World of Warcraft, Warhammer Online, MMO Warrior Feathermoon, Two-Handed weapons.

Tuesday, September 30, 2008

No Honor Reset for Wotlk, Woot!

At this point, I have about 17 thousand honor points in World of Warcraft.
Needless to say I was not thrilled to find out, they wanted to reset the honor points for the Wrath of the Lich King expansion, coming out November 13.
Honor points can be gained by killing other players from an opposing faction in Wow.
As a result, it was hard to take the news they wanted to wipe away hard earned points, Some people put alot of time and effort into building up points to buy items, such as trinkets, cloaks and all types of Weapons.
Well, they have recently decided to not reset the points, for what reason, I have no idea.
At the same time the amount of honor needed to buy gear at level 80 has been increased.
I will keep you informed of what I get with my points.

Craft over Hammer

Well, it looks to me that I will be playing Wow untill the Wotlk comes out.
I was not sure if I was going to choose Warhammer or Warcraft, but after putting four years into a game, kinda hard to just let it go.
Wait, maybe I should wait till my time on Warhammer runs out.
Who knows maybe I will find a guild by that time.
Have a good day.'
Jaggz Chosen Chaos lvl 13 on Azazel

Sunday, September 28, 2008

Age of No Man

I tried out Age of Conan at launch and thought it was going to be a great new game.
Let's just say I was wrong.
For starters the PC I was using to run it was way under powered for a game like that.
It had a Pentium 4 processer and about 3G of RAM, the Graphics Card was an 8500 and it just killed me to try and play with a machine that ran it like a slide show.
The game play was new and different from the first MMO I played, World of Warcraft, I really liked the combat system and the character creator was perfect, with different ways to make your avatar look; the only thing about it is that you can only be humans, I understand that it is part of the lore but geez it would be nice to have a real snake person or something.
I made a warrior type; I have never really been a caster in any game I've played.
I am into the chase of gear and big BIG blades.
I only got to level 18 and I am not sure if I will ever go back to that game, from what I hear
it's all down hill after 20 much like people say about life.

Wednesday, September 24, 2008

A little about Jaggz.

Well, what can I say, oh I know, the first thing you will notice about my blog is that I am not much of a writer.
I have always wanted to Blog about my time spent in the worlds of MMO's and most of it has been lugging around a two hand weapon.
If they ever said "Hey, we can make you into a Super Hero, what kind of powers would you like?" I would have to say, just make me into a sword with the power of Hell in the handle and the righteousness of Heaven in the blade; wait they have a game called something like that, oh well